Friday, June 5, 2009

strong women

It is rumored that Bakiga women are of phenomenal strength. That they can do amazing things; one such tale goes that while tilling the land on the cold windy slopes of Kabale, the angles are so steep sometimes they are almost at 45 degrees.

On these hills they toil, sweat and work to feed their children, and in the end feed the country.

They are my quiet guardians, our silents she-roes.

For God and My country


  1. as one of the bakiga women, we are glad that you appreciate us...

    where is antipop?

  2. the antipop should be here in bit...that she will.

  3. hmmm first time here..neva heard of bakiga!!

  4. @Oyin: you never heard of Bakiga? where do you hail from? hahaha. legend has it they are the toughest, breed of homo sapien in these parts. if they'd lived 3,000 years ago., they'd be spartans. but yeah thanks for passing by.
